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SC 2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold in WCAG 2 Videos




Scene Time Audio Visual
1 0:00 - 0:@@ Manti has photosensitive reactions to certain types of flashing lights, such as strobe lights on the computer screen. Manti (young female) is sitting in front of a fairly large computer screen.
2 0:00 - 0:@@ She uses a fairly large computer screen so sometimes videos and animations could have flashing that cause her painful migranes. We see the computer screen with a large portion of the screen taken up by video playing. We focus on the “Play” button of the video player and the “Play” icon pops up when Manti presses the button.
3 0:00 - 0:@@ One day she was using a website that she hadn’t used before, and was surprized by flashing animations on the website. We now see a different website on the computer screen. We see Manti moving her head away from the screen as she presses a button and the animation starts. We see the start of the animation (but not enough to cause reactions to any viewer).
4 0:00 - 0:@@ Fortunately this flashing animation was below the “general flash” and “red flash” thresholds. These thresholds set the limits for the number and types of flashes which can occur in a particular time or area. Therefore this animation did not trigger her migraine. Manti looks somewhat relieved and continues to use the website with caution.
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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at